Forensic Psychology

Forensic Psychology Los Angeles

Forensic Psychology Experts

Expert Witnesses for Civil and Criminal Cases

EMH consults on civil matters on behalf of the plaintiff and the defense and is appointed on criminal matters by the prosecution, the defense, and the judge. Based on our background, training, and experience as researchers and clinicians, we distill the case down to the essential elements and explain our findings to attorneys in ways that enable them to determine how to best manage their cases and assist their clients in the most effective manner. Moreover, our experience enables us to explain in a clear, concise manner the meaning and importance of the results of our evaluations to triers of fact, i.e., judges and juries.

All forensic mental health evaluations are provided on a fee-for-service basis. Cases are not accepted on a lien basis. Our clinicians are licensed in the states of California, Nevada, Alaska, Virginia, and Oregon, among other states. We obtain temporary licensure in different states on an as-needed basis.

Connect with our Forensics Team

For inquiries about forensic case review, please call our team at (310) 273-4843 ext.102 or write us at