Dr. Ari Kalechstein
At Executive Mental Health, the safety of our patients, partners, and team is the highest priority. Thus, we are closely following the guidance from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and educating our clinicians and field staff regarding best practices regarding the coronavirus.
As an essential medical service provider for acute care, skilled nursing, assisted living, and long-term care facilities, EMH clinicians provide needed assessment and treatment of the cognitive, behavioral, and emotional conditions. The need for mental health care is especially warranted at this time, when residents may be feeling particularly anxious or fearful about the coronavirus and because family and loved ones may be limited in their ability to visit residents. Hence, EMH provides the emotional support that residents need and deserve.
To ensure this continued service, the EMH team follows strict protocols:
- · Our clinicians work with each facility’s individual safety protocols and adhere to them.
- · Clinicians provide patient care only when they are in good health. As an added precaution, clinicians are advised to take their temperature before going to a facility.
- · Clinicians are advised to wash hands for 20 seconds, use hand sanitizers when entering and exiting rooms, and avoid handshakes or other physical contact.
- · Clinicians take care to sanitize work materials – including laptops and cell phones – as frequently as needed. We also ask clinicians to arrive at facilities with freshly cleaned lab coats. In addition, we have modified assessment procedures so that clinicians and residents will not pass paper and pencils back and forth.
- · Clinicians are asked to refrain from international travel and limit distance travel.
During this time of crisis, our aim is to care for all residents in need; however, EMH is restricting clinicians from treating residents with illnesses that require isolation protocols. This approach will protect our clinicians and prevent the unnecessary spread of infectious disease.
As we are all aware, the current situation is dynamic and complex. Please know that, as we learn new information, we will share it with you. Through this difficult time, EMH doctors will continue to make every effort to provide excellent services and partner with you to work through this situation.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your clinician or assigned field team liaison. Thank you for working with us to promote the safety of and essential care for your residents.